I have come to realize if something is not working out for you, you need to change it up!
For the last few weeks, my weight has stayed the same. I was battling between getting the sleep I need or go to weight watchers.Go for a workout or go to weight watchers. I kept thinking everything would just work out, but really that has not been the case. Over on my Twitter, I had been following a man that kept tweeting about a free custom diet plan. Each night, I would see his tweets and keep scrolling. Then one night, I decided to just check it out.
Over the next few days we emailed about my needs, goals, and allergies. We also spoke about my journey and what has gotten me to this point. We also spoke about what has and has not been working for me. Tracking, counting, planning, and going to meetings, just was not working! My schedule with work is just too insane to make sure I am tracking and counting and going to meetings. Also, planning was becoming difficult, too. Some may say these are excuses, and I hear ya! I really do! But, my life has had some big changes and I need to change other things in my life as well! I own that!
So I waited for my Custom Diet plan to be sent over as I decided to give this a shot! For two days, I seriously prepared myself for a very strict plan! I was so pleasantly surprised when I saw that was not the case! It is all about upping my protein and making sure I get enough nutrients each and everyday! There is also a shake in there, which for me works out great since I am always on the run! The shake is packed with nutrients and tastes great too! I use it as a snack! The plan does have some planning ahead, but for me, it just seems much more manageable!
I will be checking in each week and letting you know how it all goes!
The man I am working with is Marc Lalonde of Fitness Takeout. Marc is a Certified Personal Health & Fitness Expert | Body Transformation Specialist. Marc has been great to work with so far! He is helpful, patient, and honest! He is also full of amazing knowledge that he is happy to share with you! His email is fitnesstakeout@gmail.com if you have any questions!
I will admit and say how nervous I
Xxoo Christina