So since I am a runner newbie, I have been reading LOTS of articles on what to do and on what not to do. Sometimes this is good and sometimes this is not good. I had read that you should not eat or drink anything right before or during your run while you are at shorter distances. This is all fine and good until I began engaging in this no eating or drinking nonsense and earned myself insane headaches that lasted all through the day into the next.
I was talking to other EnergyBits ambassadors and it was likely I was dehydrating myself as well as not fueling myself properly! EEK! I felt pretty crappy for the next few days! One of my fellow ambassadors, Steve from Get out do more! said to me, "As for the articles, you need to separate the no pain, no gain BS from
the fuel yourself to perform mindset. You should want your body in
peak performance at all times, the idea of fitness is to keep building
and pushing boundaries the best way to do this is by building it up,
giving it what it needs and then pushing things like speed and distance
opposed to just starving yourself of basics."
Holy light-bulb batman!!! That used to be my mindset when I was in my peak performance shape, why would I not have that be my mindset now?!?! So with the help of these amazing ambassadors, I was told different ways/times to fuel as well as different products to try to help replenish my body! I also went back and remembered what had worked for me in the past.
ALWAYS listen to your body! ALWAYS! and not the, "I want that brownie" part, because that is NOT your body talking!
Xxoo Christina
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